New Book: Adaptation, Awards Culture, and Value of Prestige

Assist. Prof. Dr. Colleen Kennedy-Karpat has co-edited a new collection of essays titled Adaptation, Awards Culture, and the Value of Prestige, published by Palgrave Macmillan as part of the Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture series.

The book explores how different forms of cultural prestige—awards, the canon, and audience engagement, for example—are reflected in adaptations across and within media forms. It contains essays that discuss authors ranging from Jane Austen to Alison Bechdel and media ranging from television to film and from theatre to graphic novels.

Each section covers a different aspect of prestige and adaptation. The first looks at how awards affect the circulation of texts across media forms, including essays from Thomas Leitch, Laurence Raw, Joanna Mansbridge, and the book’s co-editor Eric Sandberg. The second section looks at how adaptations in visual media treat canonical authors’ work, featuring chapters from Jeffrey E. Jackson, Priyanjali Sen, Anne-Marie Scholz, and Michael Saffle. The final section considers socially designated prestige alongside more formal indicators of cultural esteem, with chapters from Kennedy-Karpat, Laura Mee, and Anna Blackwell.