Latest News
Summer Internship Updates
COMD will collaborate as a partner in the live stream: CLASS DISMISSED
Our 2023 graduates’ film, is now available on MUBI
PASO XXV is waiting for your applications!
New Publication: “Streaming Media Platforms and Film/Video Arts Distribution” by Andreas Treske and Aras Özgün
2025 EIP Senior Fellow: Dr. Emre Toros
Faculty Recruitment Announcement: Evaluation Results
Our recent graduate İlayda Altıntaş’s work exhibited in Paris!
Talk & Workshop by Antony Cairns
GraduateNews: Ufuk Gürbüzdal won the Best Director Award!
COMD EYE’24: End of Year Exhibition
M.A. in Media and Visual Studies Applications
Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences presents: Information Session for Graduate Programs
COMD Talk featuring Oliver Grau: 21st Century Digital Art and Its Challenges
#sharethetruth: Medya Okuryazarlığı ve Dezenformasyon Konferansı
Our 23′ Graduates Helin Özdemir and Beyza Turak are at BASE 2023!
Our First Event at Dolby Atmos Studio: Experiencing Spatial Sound via Apple Music
Experiencing Spatial Audio with Dolby Atmos
COMD Talk featuring Uwe Walter: “Why the storyteller has the hottest job?”
Flusserian Dialogues: Events and Workshops 17-29 October @Yer Mekan
Dr. Didem Özkül became member of the editorial board of JCMC and co-editor of a new Routledge Book series
COMD teams in Adana @ 30. Adana Altın Koza Film Festivali
COMD Graduate Deniz Ekin Polat received “Outstanding Esports Championship Coverage” Sports Emmy Award as Video Editor
Protecting Digital Freedoms: On the Road with Giants – Keynote by Professor Josef Trappel, University of Salzburg
COMD hosts EUMEPLAT Ankara Meeting on Sept. 21st and 22nd, 2023
Two COMD Short Films competing in Adana at the 30th Altın Koza Filmfestival
Zeynep Ekim’ dance film selected for Madavera Expojour JazzTimes Film Festival
New COMD films on T-Port
Carlos Cabral Nunes Artwork on Campus!
Announcing Kathrine Fry’s new book
‘Keşif’ selected for Dance Camera Istanbul
COMD celebrates its 25th anniversary with the international PandeVITA conference and End of Year Exhibition
Student-Faculty Collaboration in The Medial Afterlives of H. P. Lovecraft (Palgrave, 2023)
Sounding Off 2023 Live Broadcast is available on COMD YouTube Channel
New Publication: “Adaptation in the New Turkish Cinema”
Applications open for MA in Media and Visual Studies
NO DRAMA IN AI – a round table on AI and dramatic storytelling
Sounding Off – The next generation of women in sound • 6-7 May 2023 @ COMD & Live on YouTube
In Memoriam Funda Senova Tunali
Assistant Professor Aysenur Dal received prestigious BAGEP Young Scientist Award 2023
SIYAD Award for F. Nur Özkaya
COMD Talk featuring Shane Denson, “Post-Cinematic Bodies”
Open House: Information Session for MA in Media and Visual Studies
Open Call: Applications now open for Sounding Off!
COMD announces the release of the new podcast “You Made Me Watch That?!”
Colleen Kennedy-Karpat Elected to Board of Trustees for the Association of Adaptation Studies
COMD Alumni M. Mert Örsler and Aysın Ece Acar Published in Celebrity Studies Journal
Prof. Dr. Bülent Çaplı has been appointed as the new Acting Dean of FADA.
Dean Prof. Dr. Erdal Erel’s New Appointment Party
“AI and Sustainable Life” Conference, İzmir
Calls for MFA and MA Programs
MFA Thesis Project Exhibition
BMFI ’22 Program
Pieter Snapper to deliver the opening keynote for BMFI ’22
Save the date – BMFI ’22
“Effective Health Communication to Improve Healthy Ageing” by Asst. Prof. Dr. Frans Folkvord
MFA in Media and Design, Spring 2021, New call
Ekin Bernay’s performance titled “ATLAS” will be at V&A Friday Late Event, London
HEALING in Joseph’s Garden, Exhibition at German Embassy Garden
Asst. Prof. Dr. Colleen Kennedy-Karpat has been named an associate editor of the journal Adaptation.
COMD EYE 2021, End of Year Exhibition
Bilkent University Commencement 2021
MA in Media and Visual Studies, Fall 2021
Video Vortex Hybrid Event: Play, Pause and Reset
“Dissonance”, Fall 2020, GRA 501 – Graduate Studio I Online Exhibition
“kariyerini TASARla”, 26th April and 30th April 2021, from 17:30-20:45 on Zoom
Senior Student F. Nur Özkaya Won 2nd Place at the MAU Anifest
COMD ’18, COMD MA ’20 Alumna Melisa Şaşmaz in on “Söz Yetenekte”
Lutz Peschke received two Horizon 2020 project grants
Special Issue: “Adaptation and Nostalgia”, Edited by Colleen Kennedy-Karpat
PASO XX was featured in the news
PASO XX // YouTube Link
PASO XX, Program
SAVE THE DATE, “PASO XX” 12.12.20, 12:12 pm
COMD TALKS featuring Gerda Cammaer
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşenur Dal Receives Facebook Research Grant
The PASO Archive
Book Launch of TOD #37, From Opinions to Images by Ulus S. Baker, Nov. 19, 2020
COMD TALKS featuring Zeynep ATAKAN, “Human-centered Film Producing”
PASO Fest for Film & Digital Media 20th Anniversary
COMD 210 – Introduction to Screenwriting, Guest Speaker: Makbule KOSİF
COMD Night Talks featuring The Age of Total Images
İ.D. Bilkent University
HOW TO APPLYDepartment ofCommunication and Designcheck-out @bilkent_comd, Instagram feed
Since 1998, the Department of Communication and Design at Bilkent University has been a leader in media theory and practice, training students for careers that navigate an increasingly interconnected world. Balancing a fine-tuned approach to media and cultural studies with a broad foundation in the social sciences, humanities, and the arts, the COMD curriculum prepares students to become scholars and creators of audiovisual media that will shape the 21st century.
Members of the COMD faculty maintain a strong engagement in creative projects and academic research aimed at a global audience. This commitment to innovation and scholarship fosters an environment that puts future media professionals on track to enter the field at the cutting edge of current trends.