Summer Training System (STS) Instructions and Application Process
As outlined in the official curriculum, students in the Department of Communication and Design are required to complete two mandatory Summer Trainings:
– COMD 290: To be completed in the summer following the second year.
– COMD 390: To be completed in the summer following the third year.
Each Summer Training has prerequisite course(s) that must be successfully completed before starting the training.
Duration and Requirements
– The Summer Training must last at least 22 working days. It can be longer, but the minimum requirement must be met.
– These 22 working days must be consecutive, except for official holidays.
– According to Social Security Law No. 5510, Item 5b, all students conducting their Summer Training on-site in Türkiye must be insured for work-related accidents and occupational diseases for the 22 working days of their training. Bilkent University provides this insurance.
– Students cannot begin their Summer Training without Social Security coverage.
Important Notes
– The Summer Training period must not overlap with the summer school period or the start of the Fall semester.
– If needed, the university can extend the insurance to cover a longer Summer Training period, provided there is no scheduling conflict.
You can find here the Summer Training System (STS) Instructions.
Internship Forms
You can access the forms related to summer practice by clicking the links below.
- Internship Report and Internship Poster Presentation (.doc)
- Staj Yeri Onay Formu (TR) (.docx) (.pdf) // Internship Approval Form (EN) (.docx)(.pdf)
- Staj Değerlendirme Formu (TR) (.docx) (.pdf) // Summer Practice Evaluation Form (EN) (.docx) (.pdf)
- Staj Dilekçesi (TR) (.doc) // Summer Practice Application Form (EN) (.doc)