Created and designed entirely by İlayda Altıntaş, ‘BOND’ reflects her unique vision and creativity. Guided by advisors Jülide Akşiyöte and Fulten Larlar, the project gained both artistic and academic depth.
‘BOND’ is now being exhibited at Espace Kiff
Date: Thursday, 14 November 2024
Time: 12:30–13:20
Location: FFB-011
In this seminar, photographer Antony Cairns examines the urban landscape
through experimental photographic reproduction techniques that blend
analog and digital processes. Renowned for transforming cityscapes using
unconventional media like
Vaziyet Film Official Website:
The Master of Arts program in Media and Visual Studies provides continuing students with the analytical and practical skills required to pursue a career in media industries or continue their academic study.
Covering a range of national and global media
Information Session for Graduate Programs
At the open house you will have the opportunity to:
-Learn about the admission process and financial support opportunities
-Meet with our faculty and current graduate students in the department of your interest
21st Century Digital Art and its Challenge for our Memory Institutions : Tools and International Strategies for its Research, Collection and Preservation
Speaker: Oliver Grau (Art Historian and Media Theoretician)
Date: February 21
Time: 12:30-13:30
Place: FFB 022
Avrupa Birliği Türkiye Delegasyonu, dezenformasyon konusuna odaklanan Medya Okuryazarlığı Konferansı düzenliyor. Bilkent Üniversitesi’nin ev sahipliği yapacağı konferans, medya okuryazarlığını teşvik etmek ve dezenformasyonla mücadele etmek için etkili stratejileri tartışmak üzere uzmanları, doğruluk kontrolcülerini, gazetecileri, akademisyenleri, dijital platform temsilcilerini ve
Our graduates Helin Özdemir and Beyza Turak were featured in the BASE 2023 Exhibition.
BASE2023: “With the contributions of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey, in collaboration with Bilgili Sanat and hosted by