Emel Özdora
//Departmental Projects Coordinator / MA in Media and Visual Studies Coordinator / Associate Dean
Office: FD 102
COMD 204 // Media Studies II
COMD 346 // Introduction to Advertising
COMD 461 // Public Relations and Communication Campaigns
COMD 439 // International Public Relations
COMD 462 // Special Topics in Advertising
COMD 358 // Professional Communication
• Ph.D. in Mass Communication, University of Florida, 2009
• MA. in Public Relations, University of Florida, 2006
• BS. in Communication and Design, Bilkent University, 2004
Emel Özdora started teaching full-time in the Department of Communication and Design at Bilkent University in September 2012, after working for UNICEF Turkey Country Office for three years. She received her Ph.D in Mass Communication from the University of Florida in 2009. Her research interests include public relations, organizational communication, and corporate social responsibility. Her articles have been published in journals such as Turkish Studies, Business Ethics: A European Review, Public Relations Review, İstanbul Üniversitesi İletişim Dergisi, etc. She is currently working on a research grant from the Arthur Page Center for Ethics in Public Communications focusing on Syrian refugees in Turkey.
Research Interests
Public relations, organizational communication, reputation management, inter-cultural communication, advertising, corporate social responsibility.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8818-7265
Scholarly Publications
• Daniela V. Dimitrova, Emel Ozdora Aksak, & Colleen Connolly-Ahern. 2017. On the Border of the Syrian Refugee Crisis: Views from Two Different Cultural Perspectives, American Behavioral Scientist (accepted – waiting for publication).
• Atakan Duman, S. and Ozdora-Aksak, E. 2017. The CSR Agenda of a Family Holding in Oil Extraction and Mining: An analysis of Turkey’s Pet Holding (Pet Holding Örnek Olay İncelemesi: Türkiye’de Bir Petrol Arama ve Madencilik Aile Şirketinin Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Gündemi), İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi, 44, 2-16.
• Atakan Duman, S. and Ozdora-Aksak, E. 2017. ‘Türkiye’de Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluğun Kavramsallaştırılması: Meta Sentez Analizi. Business and Economics Research Journal, 8(3), 501-517.
• Ozdora-Aksak, E. and Atakan-Duman, S. 2016. How A Turkish Bank Uses Corporate Social Responsibility to Construct Its Identity? A Case Study. Istanbul University Faculty of Communication Journal, 1(50): 73-88. doi: 17064/iüifhd.50861
• Ozdora-Aksak, E. and Atakan-Duman, S. 2016. Gaining legitimacy trough CSR: An analysis of Turkey’s 30 largest corporations. Business Ethics: A European Review, 25(3): 238-257. doi: 10.1111/beer.12114. (SSCI)
• Ozdora-Aksak, E., Ferguson, M.A. and Atakan-Duman, S. 2016. Corporate social responsibility and CSR fit as predictors of corporate reputation: A global perspective. Public Relations Review, 42(1): 79-81. doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2015.11.004. (SSCI)
• Ozdora-Aksak, E. 2015. An Analysis of Turkey’s Telecommunications Sector’s Online Presence: How Corporate Social Responsibility Contributes to Organizational Identity Construction, Public Relations Review, 41(3): 365-369 doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2015.01.001. (SSCI)
• Ozdora-Aksak, E. and Atakan-Duman, S. 2015. The online presence of Turkish banks: Communicating the softer side of corporate identity. Public Relations Review, 41(1): 119-128. doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2014.10.004. (SSCI)
• Atakan-Duman, S. and Ozdora-Aksak, E. 2014. The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Online Identity Construction: An Analysis of Turkey’s Banking Sector, Public Relations Review, 40(3): 862-864. doi: 10.10167j.pubrev.2014.07.004. (SSCI)
• Atakan-Duman, S. and Ozdora-Aksak, E. 2014. Organizational Identity and Corporate Social Responsibility: Insights form Turkey’s Banking Sector. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing: Saarbrücken, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-659-63191-7.
• Ozdora‐Aksak, E. and Atakan‐Duman, S. 2014. Türkiye’de Telekomünikasyon Sektöründe Internet Üzerinden Örgütsel Kimlik İnşasında Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluğun Rolü, Gazi Üniversitesi İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi, 38, 133-148.
• Ozdora-Aksak, E. and Molleda J. C. 2014. Immigrant Integration through Public Relations and Public Diplomacy: An Analysis of the Turkish Diaspora in the Capital of the European Union. Turkish Studies, 15(2), 220-241. doi: 10.1080/14683849.2014.926235. (SSCI)
Conferences and Proceedings
• Connolly-Ahern, C., Dimitrova, D. and Ozdora-Akşak, E. 2016. Framing a Humanitarian Crisis: Content Analysis of Refugee Coverage from Five European Nations. International Communication Section at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Conference 27-31 July, Leicester, UK.
• Dimitrova, D. and Ozdora-Akşak, E. 2015. On the Border of the Syrian Refugee Crisis: Views from Two Different Cultural Perspectives Turkey and Bulgaria. National Communication Association (NCA) 101th Annual Convention 19-22 November, Las Vegas, USA.
• Ozdora-Aksak, E. and Atakan-Duman, S. 2015. Establishing Legitimacy Through Corporate Social Responsibility: Identity Construction in Turkish Banks. Vol. 1, 51-55. 15th EBES Conference Lisbon, Portugal.
• Atakan-Duman, S. and Ozdora-Aksak, E. 2015. How do Turkish Banks Construct their Identities: A Thematic Analysis. 820-825. INTCESS15-International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 2-4 Feb., Istanbul, Turkey. ISBN: 978-605-64453-2-3.
• Paşamehmetoğlu, A., Ozdora-Aksak, E. and Atakan-Duman, S. 2014. CSR as a strategic tool for gaining legitimacy: Mapping CSR activities among Turkey’s Largest Corporations. World Business and Social Science Research Conference, 14-16 April, Paris, France.
• Ozdora-Aksak, E. and Atakan-Duman, S. 2014. Online Identity Construction in Turkey’s Banking Sector: The Contribution of Corporate Social Responsibility. The 64th International Communication Association (ICA) Annual Conference, 22-26 May, Seattle, USA.
Research and Experience
• Researcher. Connolly-Ahern, Colleen (Prof. at Penn State), Ozdora Akşak, Emel and Daniela Dimitrova (Prof. at Iowa State University). On the Border of the Syrian Refugee Crisis: Views from Two Different Cultural Perspectives Turkey and Bulgaria. Arthur Page Center for Ethics in Public Communication ‐ Refugee Communication Project. 2014 – Ongoing. (docs.)
• Researcher. The Contribution of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities on Organizational Identity: An Analysis of Turkey’s Banking Sector.TUBİTAK 3001 Research Project, Project no: 114K096, Researcher, 15 October 2014-15 April 2015.
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