Lutz Peschke
//Departmental Projects Coordinator//
COMD 203 // Media Studies I
COMD 335 // Science Writing and Journalism
COMD 308 // Multi-Camera Production and Live-Recording (fall 2017, together with Yusuf Akҫura)
COMD 335 // Science Writing and Journalism
COMD 348 // New Media (spring 2016-spring 2018)
COMD 356 // Digital Cultures
COMD 409 // Advanced Broadcast Studio (spring 2017-spring 2018)
COMD 422 // Advanced Issues in Communication Studies
• Ph.D. at Department of Media Studies, University of Bonn, 2018.
• Ph.D. at Research Center Julich and Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg, 1996.
Lutz PESCHKE studied Chemistry (Ph.D. at University of Heidelberg/Germany) and Media Studies (Ph.D. University of Bonn/Germany). 1999-2017 head of the Department for Multimedia in iserundschmidt GmbH – Agency for Science Communication. From 2010-2012 lecturer for public relations and science communication in the Department of Media Studies at University Bonn. 2013-2014 lecturer for Media Design in the Faculty of Architecture of Çankaya University in Ankara. Since 2015 lecturer, since 2018 assistant professor for Media and Communication Studies in the Department of Communication and Design at Bilkent University in Ankara.Research Interests
• Peschke, Lutz (2019): Infografiken. Visualität und Wissensaneignung in der mediatisierten Welt. Wiesbaden: Springer VS (ISBN: 978-3-658-23450-8)
• Peschke, Lutz/Gürmeriҫ, Can (eds.) (2018): Online Communication in the Context of Personal, Virtual and Corporate Identity Formation. Norderstedt: Book on Demand (in print, ISBN: 978-3-7528-3593-9).
• Peschke, Lutz (ed.) (2017): New Media Between User Generated Content and Professionalism. Saarbrücken/Balti: Lambert Academic Press. (ISBN: 978-3-330-34586-7)
• Güneş Peschke, Seldağ/Peschke, Lutz (eds.)(2016): New Media and Law. A Comparative Study. Ankara: Yetkin.
• Peschke, Lutz (1996): Modelluntersuchungen zum Transport polyzyklischer aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe in Böden unter dem Einfluß grenzflächenaktiver Medien. Berichte des Forschungszentrums Jülich; 3189. Zugl.: Heidelberg, Univ., Diss., 1996
(Model studies on the transport of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils under the influence of surface-active media)
• Peschke, Lutz (2016): The Relevance Patterns of Public and Privacy for Digital Natives in Turkey. TRT akademi ‘Digital Media‘, vol 01 (02) July 2016, pp. 366-386.
• Peschke, Lutz (2016): Law Blogs: Legal Consultancy and Grassroot Journalism in the Participatory Society. Law & Justice Review, 7 (12): 291-309.
• Peschke, Lutz (2015): Swarm Characters: The Principle of Distinctness in the Character Analysis. Online Journal for Art and Design, 3 (3): 48-63 (ISSN: 2301–2501).
• Peschke, Lutz (2015): “The Web Never Forgets”: Aspects of the Right to Be Forgotten. Gazi University Faculty of Law Review, 19 (1): 117-126.
• Güneş Peschke, Seldağ; Peschke, Lutz (2013): Protection of the Mediatized Privacy in the Social Media: Aspects of the Legal Situation in Turkey and Germany. Gazi University Faculty of Law Review, 17 (1-2): 857-883.
• Peschke, Lutz (1998): Entsorgungsverbund: Qualitätsmanagement auf breiter Front. Recycling Magazin 17/1998. (ISSN: 1433-4399)
(Waste-management system: Quality management across the board)
• Peschke, Lutz; Haegel, Franz-Hubert (1995): Improved analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aqueous solutions by gas chromatography, Fresenius J Analy Chem (1995) 351:622 624 (Science Citiation Index) (ISSN: 1618-2642; doi: 10.1007/BF00323337)
Chapters in Books
• Peschke, Lutz (2018): Online Identity and Online Anonymity. In: Peschke, Lutz/Gürmeriҫ, Can (eds.) (2018): Online Communication in the Context of Personal, Virtual and Corporate Identity Formation. Norderstedt: Book on Demand.
• Peschke, Lutz (2018): Online Anonymity in the Context of Communicative and Normative Studies. Justice Academy of Turkey (submitted)
• Peschke, Lutz (2017): New Media Between User Generated Content and Professionalism. Saarbrücken/Balti: Lambert Academic Press.
• Peschke, Lutz (2016): Mediatized World: The Impact of Media on Communication. In: Güneş Peschke, Seldağ; Peschke, Lutz (eds.): New Media and Law. A Comparative Study. Ankara: Yetkin.
• Peschke, Lutz; Güneş Peschke, Seldağ (2016): New Media Between Communicative and Normative Studies. In: Güneş Peschke, Seldağ; Peschke, Lutz (eds.): New Media and Law. A Comparative Study. Ankara: Yetkin.
• Peschke, Lutz (2016): Blogging Lawyers. How to Consult Clients in the Participation Society. Ankara Bar Association (in print)
• Peschke, Lutz (2014): Wissen sichtbar machen – von der Verbindung des Nützlichen mit dem Schönen. In: Seuser, Katharina (ed.): Zukunft imTechnikjournalismus. Ringvorlesung im Sommersemester 2012 an der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. Sankt Augustin: Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg.
(How to make science visible – about the connection of essentials and beauty)
• Peschke, Lutz; Schmidt, Manfred (2012): Modul 11a. Online-Spiel EE. in: Scharp, Michael (Hrsg.): powerado-plus – Förderung der Bildung, der Aus- & Weiterbildung für erneuerbare Energien. WerkstattBericht Nr. 119. Berlin: IZT – Institut für Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung. S. 9-20. (online: http://www.izt.de/fileadmin/downloads/pdf/IZT_WB119.pdf [last access: 03.09.2015])
(Online Game powerado plus –Support in the Training and Advanced Education of Renewable Energies)
• Peschke, Lutz; Schröder, Alina (2011): Visualisiertes Lernen im Web 2.0: Audiovisuelle Wissenskommunikation durch Wissensspots. In: Anastasiadis, Mario; Thimm, Caja (Hrsg.): Social Media. Theorie und Praxis digitaler Sozialität. Frankfurt a.M./New York: Peter Lang.
(Visual Based Learning in the Social Web: Audiovisual Communication of knowledge with short movies)
• Peschke, Lutz; Schmidt, Manfred; Scharp, Michael (2009): Modul 01: Online-Spiel EE. in: Scharp, Michael (Hrsg.) Verbundforschungsprojekt: Erlebniswelt erneuerbare Energien: powerado. Endbericht, Band 1, S.12-32. WerkstattBerichte Nr. 100. Berlin: Institut für Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung. (online: https://www.izt.de/fileadmin/downloads/pdf/IZT_WB100a.pdf [last access: 03.09.2015])
(Online Game powerado –Support in the Training and Advanced Education of Renewable Energies)
Live Productions
• New Year’s Concert of Bilkent Symphony Orchestra (2017)
Live-Stream, George Petrou, conductor/Wolfgang Bankl, bass
• M.C.Tedesco : Guitar Concerto Op.99 (2017)
Bilkent Symphony Orchestra (Heisser/Süalp)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX2NknYE92w (1st movement)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaovdIrJeE8 (2nd movement)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWHV0hjN8YI (3rd movement)
• Carl Maria von Weber, Konzertstück f-moll für Klavier und Orchester, Op.79 (2017)
Bilkent Symphony Orchestra (Heisser)
ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode
• “Der Mann aus dem Eis – wie starb Ötzi?” (2011)
(“The Iceman – how did Ötzi die?”)
ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode
• “Das Leben des Ötzi” (2011)
(“The Iceman: The Life of Ötzi”)
ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wk8w3iQ1EmQ (English)
• “Graue Energie – was ist das?” (2010)
(“Grey Energy – what’s that?”)
ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode
• “Highlights der Physik 2013 in Wuppertal” (2013)
(“Highlights of phyics 2013 in Wuppertal”)
ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9L4nxEBEjA (English)
• “Begabten- und Hochbegabtenförderung an der CJD-Christophorusschule Königswinter” (2012)
(“Promotion of talented and gifted students at the CJD-Christophorusschule Königswinter”)
ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode
• “Das Internat der CJD-Christophorusschule Königswinter” (2012)
(“The boarding school oft he CJD-Christophorusschule Königswinter”)
ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode
• “24 Stunden CJD-Christophorusschule Königswinter” (2011)
(“24 hours at the CJD-Christophorusschule Königswinter”)
ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode
• “Highlights der Physik 2011 in Rostock” (2011)
(“Highlights of physics 2013 in Rostock”)
ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode
• “Wir lassen keinen hängen” (2011)
(“We don’t leave someone in the lurch”)
ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode
• “IdeenExpo-Show 2009 in Hannover” (2009)
ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode
• “Auf geht’s – Weiberfastnacht mit der Rheingarde” (2009)
(“Here we go – carneval with the Rheingarde”)
ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode
• “IdeenExpo-Show 2007 in Hannover” (2007)
ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode
Music Clip
• “Bonn in Ohio” (2010)
ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode
Photo-Exhibition “Camera3 – Science Festivals in Germany” at stem&makers fest 2015, Hacettepe University Ankara (7-8 September 2015)
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Emre Toros

Özen Baş

Burak Özçetin

Geneviève Appleton

Jean Molitor

Bulut Reyhanoğlu

Prof. Dr. Mahmut Mutman

Oliver Grau

Cansu Nergiz

Colleen Connolly-Ahern

Çiğdem Karabağ

Prof. Dr. Annie van den Oever

Aykut Ecevit

Prof. Dr. Daniela Dimitrova

Prof. Dr. Jussi Parikka

Miray Akdağ

Prof. Dr. E. Nezih Orhon

Nisan Dağ

Zihni Tümer

Carlos Cabral Nunes

Ayşe Tatver

Bahar Şimşek Day

Boran Aksoy

Can Kutay

Egemen Kırkağaç

Emre Yalgın

Eren Su Kibele Yarman

Erhan Konuk

Gülden Treske

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Mustafa Dinç

Oğuz Akın

Sibel Elif Özdilek

Zafer Çeler

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Ayşenur Dal

Burcu Baykan

Bülent Çaplı

Özcan Akar

Sabire Özyalçın

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Didem Özkul

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Fulten Larlar

Funda Şenova Tunalı ∞

Jülide Akşiyote Görür

Levent Y. İnce

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Müge Mengü Hale

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