Funda Şenova Tunalı ∞
//MFA in Media and Design Program Co-coordinator//
Office: FC 204
Website: www.fundasenova.com
COMD 101 // Introduction to Visual Communication Design I
COMD 102 // Introduction to Visual Communication Design II
COMD 212 // Principles of Visual Communication Design
COMD 281 // Media and Design Studio I
COMD 282 // Media and Design Studio II
COMD 481 // Visual Communication Project I
COMD 482 // Visual Communication Project II
GRA 501 // Graduate Studio I
GRA 590 // Seminar in Research Topics
• Ph.D., Art, Design, and Architecture (Graphic Design), Bilkent University, Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences, 2012.
• MFA, Graphic Design, Bilkent University, Institute of Fine Arts, 2005.
• EMMA (European Media Master of Arts), Image Synthesis and Computer Animation, Utrecht School of the Arts, Faculty of Art, Media and Technology, Hilversum, NL, 2004.
Funda Şenova Tunalı joined the Department of Communication and Design in 2012. She received her BFA, MFA, and Ph.D. degrees in Graphic Design at Bilkent University, Ankara, and a European Media MA degree in Image Synthesis and Computer Animation at the Faculty of Art, Media, and Technology, Utrecht School of the Arts, Hilversum, NL. She is working on digital typography, user interface design, process-based design researchand design thinking.
Research Interests
Typography, interface design, design thinking, digital media, process-based artistic research, visual culture.
• Şenova Tunalı, F. (2020). Utilizing “Table” as a Design Element in a research-based Curatorial and Scenographic Practice. In B. Şenova (Ed.), CrossSections Processing Artistic and Curatorial Research (Edition Angewandte, pp. 204-205). Berlin: De Gruyter. doi: https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110716566-067
• Şenova Tunalı, F. (2014). Interface: The Actual Story. In D. Moser & S. Dun (Eds.), A Digital Janus: Looking Forward, Looking Back (pp. 109–117). Leiden: Brill. doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/9781848883055_011
• Şenova Tunalı, F., (2012) “Glint: Audiovisual Glitches”. Leonardo, 45(3), pp. 296-297, MIT Press, Cambridge.
• Şenova Tunalı, F., (2011). Analysing Run Lola Run: Mixed, Interactive-Like but Limited, Complex, Chaotic and Unstable, thus Technically Perfect. In A. Treske, U. Önen, B. Büyüm & I. A. Değim. (Eds.), Image, Time and Motion, New Media Critique from Turkey, Ankara (2003–2010) (pp. 48-55). Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures.
Other Members

Aysın Ece Acar

Atahan Karaman

Deniz Akyıldırım

Gözde Doğan

Çisil Ulusoy

Deniz Ergin Erbil

Emre Toros

Özen Baş

Burak Özçetin

Geneviève Appleton

Jean Molitor

Bulut Reyhanoğlu

Prof. Dr. Mahmut Mutman

Oliver Grau

Cansu Nergiz

Colleen Connolly-Ahern

Çiğdem Karabağ

Prof. Dr. Annie van den Oever

Aykut Ecevit

Prof. Dr. Daniela Dimitrova

Prof. Dr. Jussi Parikka

Miray Akdağ

Prof. Dr. E. Nezih Orhon

Nisan Dağ

Zihni Tümer

Carlos Cabral Nunes

Ayşe Tatver

Bahar Şimşek Day

Boran Aksoy

Can Kutay

Egemen Kırkağaç

Emre Yalgın

Eren Su Kibele Yarman

Erhan Konuk

Gülden Treske

Melih Aydınat

Mustafa Dinç

Oğuz Akın

Sibel Elif Özdilek

Zafer Çeler

Ahmet Gürata

Andreas Treske

Ayşenur Dal

Burcu Baykan

Bülent Çaplı

Özcan Akar

Sabire Özyalçın

Colleen Kennedy-Karpat

Didem Özkul

Emel Özdora

Fulten Larlar

Jülide Akşiyote Görür

Levent Y. İnce

Lutz Peschke

Maria Helena Brzozowska

Müge Mengü Hale

Ufuk Önen

Wickham Catesby Flannagan