Burcu Baykan
Office: FA 305
COMD 203 // Media Studies I
COMD 204 // Media Studies 2
COMD 442 // Special Topics in Visual Studies
COMD 512 // Foundations in Visual Studies
COMD 514 // Identity Space and Image
GRA 207 // Conceptual Design
• B.F.A., Graphic Design, Bilkent University, 2008,
• M.A., Media and Visual Studies, Bilkent University, 2010,
• Ph.D., Digital Arts and Humanities, Trinity College Dublin, 2017.
Burcu Baykan received her doctorate in Digital Arts and Humanities Ph.D. Program from Trinity College Dublin, School of Creative Arts, and her M.A in Media and Visual Studies Program from Bilkent University. She was a graduate fellow at Trinity Long Room Hub Arts & Humanities Research Institute between 2014-2016. Her research primarily focuses on various “posthuman” and “more-than-human” approaches to the body and subjectivity, as well as their implications for technology, ecology, gender, socio-politics, and what it means to be human in the 21st century. Specifically, she is interested in the entangled relationships between humans and nonhumans (AI, technology, machines, environment, animals) in visual arts and media, including film, video art, performance art, installation, eco-media, and bio-art. She tackles these issues through the cultural, critical, and philosophical lenses of Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Henri Bergson, Donna Haraway, Katherine Hayles, Bernard Stiegler, Rosi Braidotti, Brian Massumi, Jane Bennett, among others. Her other interests include media theory, graphic design research, and practice.
Dr. Baykan teaches graduate and undergraduate level courses in media studies, critical theory, and contemporary art, design & media practices. She has presented her research at international conferences and had her work published in anthologies by Edinburgh University Press, Leuven University Press, Palgrave Macmillan, Brill, Rowman & Littlefield, and in CINEJ: Cinema Journal.
Research Interests
Critical Theory and Media Theory, Continental Philosophy and Aesthetics, Critical Posthumanism and New Materialism, Deleuze & Guattari Studies and Contemporary Art/Cinema, The Body & Identity in Film and Visual Arts, Performance Art Research, Posthumanities – Technohumanities – Environmental Humanities – Human-Animal Studies in Visual Media, Eco/Cultural Studies of Science-Technology-Embodiment, Graphic Design Practice and Research.
Selected Scholarly Publications
- Baykan, B. (2021). Ghastly Assemblages and Glittery Bodies without Organs in the Sculptures of David Altmejd. In P. de Assis and P. Giudici (Eds.), Machinic Assemblages of Desire: Deleuze and Artistic Research 3 (pp. 197-208). Leuven: Leuven University Press.
- Baykan, B. (2021). Speculative Ecologies of Plastics in the Environmental Aesthetics of Pınar Yoldaş. In S. Oppermann and S. Akıllı (Eds.), Turkish Ecocriticism: From Neolithic to Contemporary Timescapes (pp. 245-266). Lanham: Lexington Books (Rowman and Littlefield Publishers).
- Baykan, B. (2020). Body without Organs as Pure Potentiality in Patricia Piccinini’s Sculptural Installations. In. S.E. Wilmer and R. Przedpełski (Eds.), Deleuze, Guattari and the Art of Multiplicity (pp. 154-168). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Keskin, S., Baykan, B. (2020). Becoming-Animal in the Narrative and the Form of Reha Erdem’s Kosmos. CINEJ: Cinema Journal. Vol. 8.1: pp. 181-216.
- Köksal, E., Baykan, B. (2020). The Materiality of Reality: The Floating Consciousness in Altered Carbon. In A. Kobus and Ł. Muniowski (Eds.), Sex, Death and Resurrection in Altered Carbon: Essays on the Netflix Series (pp. 51-66). Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Co.
- Baykan, B. (2018). Respatialising the Body: The Ontologically In-Between Subject in Orlan’s Body of Work. In N. Prowse (Ed.), Intervening Spaces: Respatialisation and the Body (pp. 37-59). Leiden, Boston: Brill / Rodopi.
- Baykan, B. (2016). To Be-Between, To Pass Between: Becoming Intermezzo in Orlan’s Carnal Art. In L. Malland and R.F. Narvaez (Eds.), Time, Space and the Human Body: An Interdisciplinary Look (pp. 1-10). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill Academic Publishers.
- Baykan, B. (2015). Into the Body of Another: Strange Couplings and Unnatural Alliances of Harlequin Coat. In M. Causey, E. Meehan, N. O’Dwyer (Eds.), The Performing Subject in the Space of Technology: Through the Virtual, Towards the Real (pp. 17-33). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Baykan, B. (2015). Women’s Reading and Writing Practices: Chick-Lit As a Site of Struggle in Popular Culture and Literature. International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 1(1), 27-33.
Selected Conferences and Proceedings
- Altınöz, E., Baykan, B. Thinking Non-Human Vision and Multispecies Response-Ability through Situated Knowledges. Proceedings from Non-Western Approaches in Environmental Humanities Conference, University of Warsaw, July 2022.
- Yılmaz, D., Baykan, B. Nonviolent Art: Aestheticization of Zoe, Ecosophy, and Ecopolitics in Mary Mattingly’s ‘House and Universe’. Proceedings from 9. ASEAD International Symposium on Social Sciences, Antalya, Turkey, May 2022.
- Baykan, B. Ghastly Assemblages, Glittery Body without Organs in the Sculptures of David Altmejd. Proceedings from DARE 2019: Machinic Assemblages of Desire – International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research, Orpheus Institute, Ghent, Belgium, December 2019.
- Baykan, B. Ecologies of Opulence in the Sculptural Installations of David Altmejd. Proceedings from International Conference on Art in the Anthropocene, The School of Creative Arts, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, June 2019.
- Baykan, B. Recontextualizing ‘Untitled Film Stills’: Subversive Strategies in the Photographs of Cindy Sherman. Proceedings from 3rd International Symposium on Art and Aesthetics, Gaziantep University, Turkey, April 2019.
- Baykan, B. Body Without Organs as a Pure Productive Potentiality: Patricia Piccinini’s ‘The Still Life with Stem Cells’ and ‘The Atlas’. Deleuze + Art: Multiplicities | Thresholds | Potentialities Conference, Trinity Long Room Hub Arts & Humanities Research Institute, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, April 2016.
- Baykan, B. Humanimal Proximities and Zones of Transit in Kira O’Reilly’s ‘Inthewronglaceness’. Proceedings from DARE 2015: The Dark Precursor -International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research. Orpheus Institute, Ghent, Belgium, November 2015.
- Baykan, B. Becoming-Meat: An Encounter with Matthew Barney’s ‘Drawing Restraint 9’. Proceedings from Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari: Refrains of Freedom International Conference. University of Athens and Panteion University, Athens, Greece, May 2015.
- Baykan, B. Reading ‘Sex and the City’: A Site of Negotiation for Non-Western Women. Proceedings from Socio-Int’14: International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities. Istanbul, Turkey, September 2014 (pp. 774-782).
- Baykan, B. To Be-Between, To Pass Between: Becoming ‘Intermezzo’ in Orlan’s Carnal Art. Time, Space and the Human Body Conference, Mansfield College, University of Oxford, UK, October 2014.
- Baykan, B. Becoming-Other: Ontology and Aesthetics in the Critical Theory of Gilles Deleuze. Proceedings from DAKAM LIT CRI’14: III. Literary Criticism Conference: World Literature and Literary Criticism. Istanbul: DAKAM Publishing, October 2014 (pp.55-59).
- Baykan, B. Debating the Worth Of Chick-Lit As Contemporary Women’s Fiction. Proceedings from DAKAM LIT CRI’14: III. Literary Criticism Conference: World Literature and Literary Criticism. Istanbul: DAKAM Publishing, October 2014 (pp.61-71).
- Baykan, B. Becoming-Multiple, Becoming-Pack: Animal Multiplicities in the Sculptures of Patricia Piccinini. Proceedings from 7th International Deleuze Studies Conference: Models, Machines and Memories. Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, July 2014.
- Baykan, B. Bodies in Transition: A Study of Transformation in Contemporary Visual Arts. Reflecting on Transformations: Digital Arts and Humanities Symposium, University College Cork, Ireland, September 2014.
- Baykan, B. ‘Harlequin Coat’: Reading the Rhizomes of Orlan’s Body of Work. Dancing With Fire Conference, Arts Technology Research Lab, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, May 2012.
- Baykan, B. Dismantling the Self: The Infinite Becomings in Orlan’s Surgery-Performances. RESONANCE(S): A Deleuze and Guattari Conference on Philosophy, Art and Politics, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey, July 2010.
Graduate Theses Supervised
- Oğuz Kayır, M.A., “Identities in Flux: Posthumanism in Middle Eastern Women’s Filmmaking and Artistic Practice”, ongoing.
- Ezgi Altınöz, M.A., “Exploring the Everyday Co-habitations of Humans and Urban Animals Through the Ecodocumentaries in Istanbul”, June 2022.
- Didem Yılmaz, M.A., “Bodies in Transfiguration: Ontological In-betweenness in the Weimer Aesthetics”, May 2021.
- Gamze Hamamcıoğlu, M.A., “Gesturing Toward Utopia: Queer Time And Place in the Performance Art of Cassils, Boychild and Marval A Rex”, July 2020.
- Esra Köksal, M.A., “The Artistic Afterlife Of Electronic Waste”, December 2019.
- Suphi Neşet Keskin, M.A., “Coherency Between Narrative and Montage: Diversified Becomings in Reha Erdem’s Cinema”, November 2019.
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